Thoughts, Tips and Tricks on what I'm currently do for a living. Currently most of my spare time is spent on contributing to Akka.NET.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Integration Testing using Akka.NET's TestKit

In Getting Started with Akka.NET and Handling messages and state with Akka.NET we created a calculator in Akka.NET that was able to add and subtract numbers and return the answer. It also stores the last answer and can respond with it when asked.

In Unit Testing using Akka.NET’s TestKit we created some unit tests to verify internal state of the actor.

In this post we’ll switch to integration tests – verifying we get correct messages back.

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All posts in this series: Tutorials for Akka.NET

Note! This post was written using Akka.NET 0.7.0 and might not work for later versions

Unit Testing Recap

Unit Testing using Akka.NET’s TestKit we created some unit tests to verify internal state of the actor. We used ActorOfAsTestActorRef<T>() which creates the actor in the test’s ActorSystem (which is exposed thru the property Sys inside tests) and returns a TestActorRef<T> which give us access to the underlycing actor instance using the property UnderlyingActor.

public void Answer_should_initially_be_0()
    TestActorRef<CalculatorActor> calculatorRef = ActorOfAsTestActorRef<CalculatorActor>("calculator");
    CalculatorActor calculator = calculatorRef.UnderlyingActor;
    Assert.Equal(0, calculator.Answer);

public void After_adding_1_and_1_Answer_should_be_2()
    TestActorRef<CalculatorActor> calculatorRef = ActorOfAsTestActorRef<CalculatorActor>("calculator");
    calculatorRef.Tell(new Add(1,1));
    CalculatorActor calculator = calculatorRef.UnderlyingActor;
    Assert.Equal(2, calculator.Answer);

Remember that everything is synchronous when writing these kind of tests. It’s the use of ActorOfAsTestActorRef<T>() that makes it synchronous. A CallingThreadDispatcher is used for actors created using ActorOfAsTestActorRef<T>() so when we send it a message using Tell(message) it’s not dispatched on another thread, but instead immediately processed before Tell returns control back to our test.

Integration tests

When writing integration tests, we create and run the actor the way we normally do. This means multi threaded under full concurrency (actors are shielded by the Actor model – the actor only processes on message at a time).

The first test: GetLastAnswer should initially respond with Answer(0)

In our first unit test we verfied that the internal state answer is 0 initially. We can also verify this by sending the actor a GetLastAnswer message and verify that we get an Answer(0) back.

The skeleton for the test looks like this:

public class CalculatorIntegrationTests : TestKit
    public void Answer_should_initially_be_0()
        var calculator = ActorOf<CalculatorActor>("calculator");

        //Somehow verify we get an Anser(0) back            

So how can we verify that the calculator responds with what we expect? We could use Ask but there is a better way using TestKit.


When the TestKit’s ActorSystem is created it also creates a special actor called TestActor. This instance is used as an implicit sender, so when we sent a message to calculator like this:


It was actually sent as if we’d specified TestActor as the sender:

calculator.Tell(GetLastAnswer.Instance, TestActor);

So when calculator send the response it will send it to TestActor which in turn will put the message in a queue that we can test against.

Created with Raphaël 2.1.0TestTestCalculatorCalculatorTestActorTestActorqueuequeueGetLastAnswer, Sender=TestActorAnswer(0)Enqueues Answer(0)

To test that the queue contains the correct message, or another way of seeing it: that TestActor received the correct message we use ExpectMessage<T>() and then assert that the value is correct.

public void Answer_should_initially_be_0()
    var calculator = ActorOf<CalculatorActor>("calculator");

    var answer = ExpectMsg<Answer>();
    Assert.Equal(0, answer.Value);

The last two lines can also be written like this:

ExpectMsg<Answer>(a => a.Value == 0);

Isn’t it asynchronous?

We send a message to calculator which will process the message on another thread. At the same time we test that we have received a response. How can we be sure that the calculator has responded before we execute ExpectMessage<Answer>()? Don’t we need to synchronize somehow? Or is ir running synchronously as with unit tests?

No, it really is asynchronous, BUT ExpectMsg will wait up to 3 seconds before it fails.

Verifying Add

Rewriting the second unit test as a integration test is really easy now that we have all building blocks.

    public void After_adding_1_and_1_Answer_should_be_2()
        var calculator = ActorOf<CalculatorActor>("calculator");

        calculator.Tell(new Add(1, 1));
        var answer = ExpectMsg<Answer>();
        Assert.Equal(2, answer.Value);

Be aware that the tests run in a full ActorSystem and everything is asynchronous even though it might look like synchronous code.


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All posts in this series: Tutorials for Akka.NET

Unit Testing using Akka.NET's TestKit

In Getting Started with Akka.NET and Handling messages and state with Akka.NET we created a calculator in Akka.NET that was able to add and subtract numbers and return the answer. It also stores the last answer and can respond with it when asked.

In this post we’ll introduce TestKit which will enable us to write unit and integration tests.

Code for this post:

All posts in this series: Tutorials for Akka.NET

Note! This post was written using Akka.NET 0.7.0 and might not work for later versions


TestKit is a module that allows us to write two types of tests:

  • Testing isolated pieces of code without involving the actor model, meaning without multiple threads; this implies completely deterministic behavior concerning the ordering of events and no concurrency concerns and will be called Unit Testing in the following.
  • Testing (multiple) encapsulated actors including multi-threaded scheduling; this implies non-deterministic order of events but shielding from concurrency concerns by the actor model and will be called Integration Testing in the following.

In Akka.NET TestKit is distributed in two nuget packages. First you need Akka.TestKit which contains all base functionality and then you need one targeted for a specific Test framework. At the time of writing, we have nuget packages for two frameworks: xUnit and VSTest/MSTest: Akka.TestKit.Xunit and Akka.TestKit.VsTest

Add a test project

We’ll continue with the code from Handling messages and state with Akka.NET which can be found on GitHub by adding a xUnit test project. The result can also be found on GitHub.

Start by adding a new Class Library project to the solution. We’ll call it Calculator.Tests. Delete Class1.cs from the project.

Add Akka.TestKit.XUnit to the project

Add the package Akka.TestKit.XUnit to the test project

Install-Package Akka.TestKit.Xunit

This will install all packages needed (Akka, Akka.TestKit, xunit).
Add a reference to the console app project.

Create the first test class

Create a new class, inherit from TestKit

using Akka.TestKit.Xunit;
using CalculatorApp;
using Xunit;

namespace Calculator.Tests
    public class CalculatorUnitTests : TestKit

Now we’re good to go!

TestKit’s test system

When writing tests using TestKit (by inheriting from TestKit) it creates an ActorSystem for us in which the tests are run, so you do not need to create one yourself.

The system can be accessed using Sys. This means that to create an actor in this system you’d do:

var calculator = Sys.ActorOf<CalculatorActor>("calculator");

Since this is done so frequently in tests you can skip the Sys property:

var calculator = ActorOf<CalculatorActor>("calculator");

Unit testing actors using TestActorRef

Unit testing actors is when we have full control over the order messages are processed, no concurrency and everything is synchronous. TestKit also provides a way to actually verify internal state of an actor.

Normally, when we create an actor like this we don’t get access to it’s internal state since the proxy ActorRef is returned:

ActorRef calculator = system.ActorOf<CalculatorActor>("calculator");

When using TestKit there is an overload that returns a TestActorRef<TActor> which gives as access to the underlying actor instance via the property UnderlyingActor.

The first test: Internal state answer should be 0 initially

Right after a calculator has been created it’s internal stored answer should be 0. To verify this is true, we need to make some changes to CalculatorActor so we can access the answer value. The local variable answer is turned into a private field, and we add an Answer property:

public class CalculatorActor : ReceiveActor
    private double _answer;

    public CalculatorActor()
        Receive<Add>(add =>
            _answer = add.Term1 + add.Term2;
            Sender.Tell(new Answer(_answer));

        Receive<Subtract>(sub =>
            _answer = sub.Term1 - sub.Term2;
            Sender.Tell(new Answer(_answer));

        Receive<GetLastAnswer>(m => Sender.Tell(new Answer(_answer)));

    public double Answer { get { return _answer; } }

Now we can write the test:

public void Answer_should_initially_be_0()
    TestActorRef<CalculatorActor> calculatorRef = ActorOfAsTestActorRef<CalculatorActor>("calculator");
    CalculatorActor calculator = calculatorRef.UnderlyingActor;
    Assert.Equal(0, calculator.Answer);

Instead of ActorOf<CalculatorActor> we use ActorOfAsTestActorRef<CalculatorActor> which returns TestActorRef<CalculatorActor>. This type exposes the underlying actor in the UnderlyingActor property.
Once we got hold of it we verify that the Answer is 0.

If we run this test it passes.

Verifying that state is modified after handling messages

The CalculatorActor should always store the latest answer. So of we send it Add(1,1) the Answer property should be 2.

public void After_adding_1_and_1_Answer_should_be_2()
    TestActorRef<CalculatorActor> calculatorRef = ActorOfAsTestActorRef<CalculatorActor>("calculator");
    calculatorRef.Tell(new Add(1,1));
    CalculatorActor calculator = calculatorRef.UnderlyingActor;
    Assert.Equal(2, calculator.Answer);

Remember that everything is synchronous when writing these kind of tests. It’s the use of ActorOfAsTestActorRef<T>() that makes it synchronous. A CallingThreadDispatcher is used for actors created using ActorOfAsTestActorRef<T>() so when we send it a message using Tell(message) it’s not dispatch on another thread, but immediately processed before Tell returns control back to our test.


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All posts in this series: Tutorials for Akka.NET

Handling messages and state with Akka.NET

In Getting Started with Akka.NET we created a calculator in Akka.NET that was able to add two numbers and return the response.

In this post we’ll add more functionality to the calculator.

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All posts in this series: Tutorials for Akka.NET

Note! This post was written using Akka.NET 0.7.0 and might not work for later versions

Receiving more messages

The calculator should be able to subtract two values as well, so create a copy of the Add class and rename it to Subtract

public class Subtract
    private readonly double _term1;
    private readonly double _term2;

    public Subtract(double term1, double term2)
        _term1 = term1;
        _term2 = term2;

    public double Term1 { get { return _term1; } }
    public double Term2 { get { return _term2; } }

We make the fields readonly to ensure the message is immutable.

Next, we need to tell CalculatorActor how to handle Subtract messages by adding another Receive statement:

public class CalculatorActor : ReceiveActor
    public CalculatorActor()
        Receive<Add>(add => Sender.Tell(new Answer(add.Term1 + add.Term2)));
        Receive<Subtract>(sub=> Sender.Tell(new Answer(sub.Term1 - sub.Term2)));

You can have as many Receive statements you like, but be aware of that the order is important. The upper takes precedence over the lower. In this case it doesn’t matter, but if we were to insert a Receive<object> first, it would handle ALL messages, and our handlers for Add and Subtract would never be called.

Testing subtraction

We add two more lines to test subtraction:

static void Main(string[] args)
    var system = ActorSystem.Create("calculator-system");
    var calculator = system.ActorOf<CalculatorActor>("calculator");
    var answer = calculator.Ask<Answer>(new Add(1, 2)).Result;
    Console.WriteLine("1 + 2 = " + answer.Value);

    var answerSubtract = calculator.Ask<Answer>(new Subtract(5, 3)).Result;
    Console.WriteLine("5 - 3 = " + answerSubtract.Value);

    Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");

Adding state

Let’s add some state to our CalculatorActor. Every time it has performed a calculation it should store the answer. We modify the actor to look like this.

    public class CalculatorActor : ReceiveActor
        public CalculatorActor()
            var answer = 0d;

            Receive<Add>(add =>
                answer = add.Term1 + add.Term2;
                Sender.Tell(new Answer(answer));

            Receive<Subtract>(sub =>
                answer = sub.Term1 - sub.Term2;
                Sender.Tell(new Answer(answer));

Notice that we do not need to declare any fields, we can use locally declared variables.


Suppose we send Add(1,1) and Subtract(555,22) to the actor. The actor start processing Add(1, 1) assign answer=2 and then at the same time Subtract(555,111) calculates and assigns answer=444. When the handler of Add(1,1) creates the reply it will be Answer(444) which is clearly wrong.

How can we make sure this will not happen?

You don’t need to do anything. Akka.Net handles this for you. An actor can only process one message at the time. So if it has started processing Add(1,1) it will not start processing anything else until it has finished processing Add(1,1).

Retrieve state

So how can we get the latest answer from CalculatorActor now that answer is stored in a local variable inside the constructor? Can we make it a public field and then use that to access the value?

No, that will not help! Remember this line when we created the actor:

ActorRef calculator = system.ActorOf<CalculatorActor>("calculator");

ActorOf returns an ActorRef, not a CalculatorActor so we do not have access to public members on CalculatorActor. And that’s a good thing, as doing so would open up for sharing state.

Returning to one of the fundamentals of Actor based systems:

The only way to communicate with an actor is by messages.

So we need to send it a message GetLastAnswer and let it reply with an Answer message.

First the new message. Since it doesn’t store any values, we create it as a singleton:

public class GetLastAnswer
    private static readonly GetLastAnswer _instance=new GetLastAnswer();
    private GetLastAnswer() {}
    public static GetLastAnswer Instance { get { return _instance; } }

Next we declare what CalculatorActor should do when it receives a GetLastAnswer

Receive<GetLastAnswer>(m => Sender.Tell(new Answer(answer)));

And then to test it, from Main() we ask for the last answer after the subtraction:

var answerSubtract = calculator.Ask<Answer>(new Subtract(5, 3)).Result;
Console.WriteLine("5 - 3 = " + answerSubtract.Value);

var lastAnswer = calculator.Ask<Answer>(GetLastAnswer.Instance).Result;
Console.WriteLine("Last answer = " + lastAnswer.Value);

If you run this you should see:

1 + 2 = 3
5 - 3 = 2
Last answer = 2


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All posts in this series: Tutorials for Akka.NET

Getting Started with Akka.NET

Akka.NET is a toolkit and runtime for building highly concurrent, distributed, and fault tolerant event-driven applications on .NET and Mono. Instead of sharing state and managing concurrency ourselves Akka.NET handles this for us. We write the code in Actors, which has private state, runs in a single thread and interact with the outside via messages.

More information on Akka.NET can be found at

Code for this post:
All posts in this series: Tutorials for Akka.NET

Note! This post explains how to create a simple calculator in Akka.NET. It was written when Akka.NET was in version 0.7.0 and might not work for later versions

Create the project

Start by creating a new Console App in Visual Studio.
Install the nuget package Akka

PM> Install-Package Akka

This is all that’s needed to start writing code for Akka.NET.

Create message classes

The only way to communicate with an actor is by messages (simple poco classes) .
In this example we’ll send an Add message containing two integers to the calculator and we’ll get the answer as an Answer message.

Created with Raphaël 2.1.0ProgramProgramCalculatorCalculatorAdd(1, 2)Calculates 1+2Answer(3)

We define two classes to be our messages.

public class Add
    private readonly double _term1;
    private readonly double _term2;

    public Add(double term1, double term2)
        _term1 = term1;
        _term2 = term2;

    public double Term1 { get { return _term1; } }
    public double Term2 { get { return _term2; } }

public class Answer
    private readonly double _value;

    public Answer(double value)
        _value = value;

    public double Value { get { return _value; } }
Why not Auto properties?

All messages must be immutable, otherwise we’ve open up for sharing state. Readonly fields ensures the messages are immutable.

The Calculator actor

Next is the CalculatorActor. We’ll start off with an empty class, and inherit from ReceiveActor:

using Akka.Actor;

public class CalculatorActor : ReceiveActor
    public CalculatorActor()

That’s all we need for the CalculatorActor for now. We’ll come back to it later.

Create the ActorSystem

Actors are run in an ActorSystem and we need to create one.

using Akka.Actor;

namespace CalculatorApp
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var system = ActorSystem.Create("calculator-system");

Create a CalculatorActor instance

Now that we have a system, we can create a new instance of CalculatorActor using system.ActorOf.

var system = ActorSystem.Create("calculator-system");
ActorRef calculator = system.ActorOf<CalculatorActor>("calculator");

In this example we’ve also given it the name "calculator". This is optional, however since every actor must have a name, if you don’t give it a name it will be given a generated name. A good tip is to always name your actors . It will help when debugging, and when reading logs.

Send a message to the calculator

As you see above, ActorOf returns an ActorRef which acts as a proxy for the actual actor instance. This will allow us to communicate with the actor, without giving us access to any members exposed by the actor class.
The next step is to send it an Add message.

ActorRef calculator = system.ActorOf<CalculatorActor>("calculator");
calculator.Tell(new Add(1, 2));

This will asynchronously send the Add message to the calculator actor. But we haven’t defined how the actor should deal with messages so let’s do that.

Handling messages

The ReceiveActor allows us to declare what will happen when different messages are received, and we do that in the constructor:

public class CalculatorActor : ReceiveActor
    public CalculatorActor()
        Receive<Add>(add => Sender.Tell(new Answer(add.Term1 + add.Term2)));

The Receive statement says: When the actor receives a message of type Add respond to the sender with an Answer message.

Receiving responses

Next step is to receive the Answer and print it to the console.

One way we to interact with actors from the outside and to receive responses is to use Ask instead of Tell. It will return a Task on which we can await until a response is received.

So we switch to Ask, await an Answer (using the Result property which will block the current thread) and then print the result.

static void Main(string[] args)
    var system = ActorSystem.Create("calculator-system");
    var calculator = system.ActorOf<CalculatorActor>("calculator");
    var answer = calculator.Ask<Answer>(new Add(1, 2)).Result;
    Console.WriteLine("Answer: "+answer.Value);

    Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");

That’s it. Go ahead and run it. You should see:

Answer: 3
Press any key to exit

A note on Ask

While Ask is very useful when interacting with actors from the outside be aware of that there are performance implications of using Ask compared to using Tell. So always prefer Tell for performance, and only Ask if you must.


One file containing all code:

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Next: Handling messages and state
All posts in this series: Tutorials for Akka.NET

Friday, January 10, 2014

Building Kafka 0.8.0 from sources on Windows

Prerequisites – Java JDK

Although Kafka is written in Scala, you do not need to install it. Only Java JDK is required.

Download Java JDK:

Install it and make sure you update the PATH environment variable according to instructions:

Get the source

Do either the Clone-and-Checkout step or the Download step:



.\sbt.bat update
.\sbt.bat package
.\sbt.bat assembly-package-dependency

Update the bat files

Unfortunately the bat files for Kafka 0.8.0 are full of errors, so in order to start Zookeeper and Kafka they must be replaced. See Step 1, Update the bat files.

Update config for Windows

Update the config files according to Step 1, Update Config.


To run, see Step 2, Start the server.


See Running Kafka 0.8.0 on Windows for more info on how to set up and run Kafka using the binary distribution.

Kafka 0.8.0 on Windows

Getting Kafka 0.8.0 running on Windows isn’t straight forward if you follow the instructions. They are somewhat misleading, and the bat files are old. But with correct instructions and updated bat files it’s easy and can be done under 10 minutes. Some say you need Cygwin in order to run Kafka. This is not true. Only Server JRE is required.

Step 0. Prerequisite – Java SE Server JRE

You need Java SE Server JRE in order to run Kafka. If you have JDK installed, you already have Server JRE installed.

  1. Download Java SE Server JRE
    For me Chrome changed the extension. If that happens change it back to .tar.gz in order to unpack it.
  2. Unpack it to a folder, for example c:\JreServer
    Update the system environment variable PATH to include C:\JreServer\jre\bin (Control Panel and search for environment variable).

Step 1. Download Kafka

  1. Download the binaries for Kafka from
  2. Unzip to a folder, for example c:\kafka
Update the bat files

Unfortunately the bat files for Kafka 0.8.0 are full of errors, so in order to start Zookeeper and Kafka they must be replaced.

  1. Download updated windows bat files from
  2. Unzip and copy them into c:\kafka\bin\windows (overwrite the files already there)
Update Config

The config files need to be updated.

  1. Open config\ and locate log.dirs=/tmp/kafka-logs. If you keep the default it will result in an error later on. Set it to a full path without . or .. in it and with forward slashes. Example:
  2. This step is optional but you might want to set the data directory for Zookeeper as well. Open config\ and locate dataDir=/tmp/zookeeper. Example:

Step 2. Start the server

Note! Before executing the commands below you need to change directory to the folder where you unzipped Kafka:

cd c:\kafka
  1. Start Zookeeper in a Command Prompt or PowerShell Console.
    .\bin\windows\zookeeper-server-start.bat .\config\
  2. Start Kafka in another Command Prompt or PowerShell Console.
    .\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat .\config\

Step 3. Create a topic

  1. Create a topic.
    .\bin\windows\kafka-create-topic.bat --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replica 1 --partition 1 --topic test
  2. List topics.
    .\bin\windows\kafka-list-topic.bat --zookeeper localhost:2181

Step 4. Send some messages

  1. Start Console Producer
    .\bin\windows\kafka-console-producer.bat --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic test
  2. Write some messages
    This is a message 
    This is another message

Step 5. Start a consumer

  1. Start Console Consumer
    .\bin\windows\kafka-console-consumer.bat --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic test --from-beginning


Building from sources

See Building Kafka 0.8.0 from sources on Windows

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Nancy and Owin

This is a short post on how to run NancyFX in an Owin pipeline on a HttpListener Host.


David Fowler (@davidfowl), and an anonymous commenter, pointed out there was a better way to set up Owin hosting. The code has been updated.

Note, before we start. Since HttpListener might require permissions, the easiest way round this is running as an administrator, or starting VS2012 as administrator. You shouldn’t be doing this in production. Configuring HTTP and HTTPS on MSDN.

Create a Console App

Create a Console App and install the following packages in the Package Manager Console. Note that prerelease nuget packages are used.

Install-Package Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener -Pre
Install-Package Microsoft.Owin.Hosting -pre
Install-Package Nancy.Hosting.Owin

These packages will also be installed when the packages above are installed:

Owin, Nancy

The Code

First we need a Nancy Module:

public class SampleModule : NancyModule
  public SampleModule()
    Get["/"] = _ => "Hello World!";

Then we need to configure the Owin application to run Nancy.

public class Startup
  public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
  { //Uses an extension method that adds Nancy at the end of an Owin pipeline

The extension method used to configure the app:

public static class NancyOwinAppBuilderExtensions
  public static IAppBuilder RunNancy(this IAppBuilder builder)
    return RunNancy(builder, new DefaultNancyBootstrapper());

  public static IAppBuilder RunNancy(this IAppBuilder builder, INancyBootstrapper bootstrapper)
    var nancyOwinHost = new NancyOwinHost(bootstrapper);
    return RunNancy(builder, nancyOwinHost);

  public static IAppBuilder RunNancy(this IAppBuilder builder, NancyOwinHost host)
    return RunApp(builder, host.ProcessRequest);

  private static IAppBuilder RunApp(IAppBuilder builder, Func<IDictionary<string, object>, Task> app)
    return UseFunc(builder, next => app);

  private static IAppBuilder UseFunc(IAppBuilder builder, Func<Func<IDictionary<string, object>, Task>, Func<IDictionary<string, object>, Task>> middleware)
    return builder.Use((object)middleware, new object[0]);

Lastly we put everything together and starts the Owin Server:

class Program
  static void Main(string[] args)
    var url = "http://+:8080";

    using (WebApplication.Start<Startup>(url))
      Console.WriteLine("Running on http://localhost:8080", url);
      Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit");

That’s it. Hit F5 to run it. Visit http://localhost:8080/ in a browser.

Package versions

The following packages were used in the code.

Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener version=0.18.0-alpha
Microsoft.Owin.Hosting version=0.18.0-alpha

Nancy version=0.15.3
Nancy.Hosting.Owin version=0.15.3
Owin version=1.0

Download code

Friday, September 23, 2011

Using the Topshelf Shelving Bootstrapper in a Console App

Note! This was written for Topshelf and things might have changed in newer versions.


Topshelf ( is a framework for building Windows services. The service can either be standalone or one that is hosted by Topshelf. The latter style is called shelving (and the service you write is called a shelf) and it enables xcopy deploy of your service, instead of stop service, uninstall, copy, install, start.

Debugging a shelf

The problem with using the shelving style for your service is debugging. The documentation explains how to do it (, but it’s not that neat as it involves modifying where your build outputs the dlls.

An easier way, at least for me, would be to debug the shelf service by starting it from a console app, i.e. as a standalone service, without any need to modify where the output from the build goes. Ideally the console app would be as simple as possible, just reusing the code from the shelf.

A shelf service is initiated and configured by a bootstrapper (a class that inherits the interface Bootstrapper<T>) but unfortunately, if you compare the configuration for a standalone service with the shelf bootstrapper, they are not configured the same way, so reusing the configuration from the shelf bootstrapper in a standalone service seems not possible, but it’s actually quite easy.

Reuse the bootstrapper

Instead of implementing Bootstrapper<T> derive from this class instead:

public abstract class BootstrapperBase<T> : Bootstrapper<T> where T : class
  void Bootstrapper<T>.InitializeHostedService(IServiceConfigurator<T> cfg)

  public abstract void InitializeHostedService(ServiceConfigurator<T> cfg);

Instead of implementing
void InitializeHostedService(IServiceConfigurator<T> cfg)
you implement
void InitializeHostedService(ServiceConfigurator<T> cfg)

The bootstrapper in the example at becomes (changes are highlighted)

public class AShelvedClockBootstrapper :
  public override void InitializeHostedService(ServiceConfigurator<TheClock> cfg)
    cfg.ConstructUsing(n => new TheClock());
    cfg.WhenStarted(s =>
      XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(Path.Combine(
    cfg.WhenStopped(s => s.Stop());

In the console app you start the service like this:

static void Main(string[] args)
  XmlConfigurator.ConfigureAndWatch(new FileInfo(".\\log4net.config"));
  HostFactory.Run(x =>
        s => new AShelvedClockBootstrapper().InitializeHostedService(s)); x.RunAsLocalSystem();   x.SetServiceName("TheClock"); }); }

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

“Hello World” with OWIN (on Kayak)

A link to all code can be found at the end of this post.

When I started implementing an OWIN compatible web framework I couldn’t find any examples on how to get started with OWIN. Jef Claes has an example but this seems to be for an older draft of OWIN. So this post is about how to create a really simple OWIN web application in C#. It’s inspired by Jef Claes code and uses code from Benjamin van der Veen´s example.

Please Note! This post was written when OWIN was Draft 1.0, using Kayak 0.7.2 and Gate 0.1.4. Things might have changed since this post.

Set up the project

Start by creating a C# Console App.

Install the NuGet package Gate.Kayak. This will install the these packages too: Gate & Kayak.

Kayak is is an asynchronous HTTP server written in C#. Gate.Kayak brings OWIN support to Kayak. If you want to host your OWIN app in another environment use another gate like Gate.AspNet or Gate.Wcf.

Create the Kayak Web Server

In order to set up a Kayak web server, we need to tell Kayak three things: What endpoint to listen to; how to handle exceptions and shut downs; and how to handle the incoming requests.

Main() – Configuring and Starting the Server

In this example the Main method of the Console App configures the Kayak server and starts it.

static void Main(string[] args)
   //Create the endpoint for incoming requests to Kayak    
   var kayakEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 5500);
   Console.WriteLine("Listening on " + kayakEndPoint);

   //Start Kayak and call the method Startup.Configuration when starting
    //Let SchedulerDelegate handle exceptions and shut downs
   KayakGate.Start(new SchedulerDelegate(), kayakEndPoint, Startup.Configuration);

An endpoint on port 5500 is created. When Kayak is starting it will configure itself by calling the Startup.Configuration method (more on this below), and when stopped, or when an exception is thrown, SchedulerDelegate handles this.


The methods in SchedulerDelegate class is called when exceptions during Kayak´s event loop occurs and when Kayak is being stopped. We’ll just write messages to the Console.

public class SchedulerDelegate : ISchedulerDelegate
   public void OnException(IScheduler scheduler, Exception e)
       // called whenever an exception occurs on Kayak's event loop.
       // this is good place for logging. here's a start:
       Console.WriteLine("Exception on scheduler");

   public void OnStop(IScheduler scheduler)
       // called when Kayak's run loop is about to exit.
       // this is a good place for doing clean-up or other chores.
       Console.WriteLine("Scheduler is stopping.");


Next we need to tell Kayak what to do with incoming requests. The method Startup.Configuration is responsible for that and it will be called when Kayak is starting. In this example, we specified it explicitly in the Main method, but if you were to host the OWIN application on Asp.Net using Gate.AspNet this method will automatically be found and invoked (it’s a convention in Kayak). So creating class with the name Startup with a static method Configuration makes your application more easily portable to other Gate hosts.

public class Startup
   // called automatically when Kayak starts up.
   public static void Configuration(IAppBuilder builder)
       // we'll create a very simple pipeline:
       var app = new HelloWorldOwinApp();

First our OWIN application is instantiated and then Kayak is told to to let the app´s ProcessRequest method handle all incoming requests.


The primary interface in OWIN is the application delegate. An application delegate takes three parameters: an environment dictionary, a response callback, and an error callback. The HelloWorldOwinApp class exposes the method ProcessRequest that has the same signature as the application delegate specified in OWIN Draft 1.0 and this is where all the fun happens.

If the requested resource, i.e. the path, is the root, “/”, we return a Hello World html page. Otherwise a 404 page is returned.

public class HelloWorldOwinApp
   public void ProcessRequest(
        IDictionary<string, object> environment,
       Action<string, IDictionary<string, string>,
               Func<Func<ArraySegment<byte>, Action, bool>,
               Action<Exception>, Action, Action>> responseCallBack,
       Action<Exception> errorCallback)
       var path = environment["owin.RequestPath"] as string;
       var responseHeaders = new Dictionary<string, string>();
       ArraySegment<byte> responseBody;
       string responseStatus;
       if (path == "/")
           responseStatus = "200 OK";
           responseHeaders.Add("Content-Type", "text/html");
           responseBody = new ArraySegment<byte>(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes((
                   "<!doctype html><html><head><meta charset=\"utf-8\">" +
                       "<title>Hello World</title></head>" +
                   "<body><strong>Hello world</strong></body>" +
           responseStatus = "404 Not Found";
           responseHeaders.Add("Content-Type", "text/html");
           responseBody = new ArraySegment<byte>(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes((
                   "<!doctype html><html><head><meta charset=\"utf-8\">" +
                       "<title>404 Not Found</title></head>" +
                   "<body>The resource cannot be found.</body>" +
           (next, error, complete) =>   // This is the Body Delegate
               next(responseBody, null);
               return () => { };

The signature is hideous. The people behind OWIN are well aware of this, and considered interfaces in an assembly that all had to implement, but, thankfully, decided to go with using Funcs and Actions instead. This means that there is no OWIN.dll you have to reference, and therefor no versioning conflicts can occur.

Except from the signature, this method is pretty straightforward. We get the relative path from the environment dictionary. If it’s “/” we return a Hello World html page. Otherwise a 404 page is returned.

Returning the resource is a bit special. Instead of just returning some kind of object with headers, status and body content the responseCallBack is invoked. This is necessary for everything to be asynchronous. The callback has as three arguments: the response status; response headers; and a delegate (the next-error-complete-delegate) for retrieving the body content.

The delegate is called the Body Delegate and it is invoked by the host whenever it is ready to receive the body content. The signature of the delegate makes it possible to return chunks of the body. But to keep it simple we will return everything in one chunk, and that is what the next(responseBody, null) call does. responseBody is an ArraySegment (basically a byte array with information about which part of the array the consumer should use).

For simple applications, like this, you don’t have to understand how the Body delegate is intended to be used. Just copy-paste this example, and add the content to responseBody.

Say Hello!

Start the console app. In a browser navigate to http://localhost:5500. You should see a page with “Hello World” in bold. Now go to http://localhost:5500/NotThere and you’ll get a 404 page.

That’s it. Now you have everything you need to create a OWIN web application.


The code can be found on github gist. Show all code.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

An extension method for creating a strict mock in FakeItEasy

The FakeItEasy framework prefers that you don’t create strict mocks, but whenever you need one this extension method might come in handy.

/// <summary>Creates a strict mock of type <typeparamref name="T"/>.</summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of the object to fake.</typeparam>
/// <returns>A FakeItEasy fake configured to behave as a strict mock.</returns>
public static T Mock<T>()
  var fake = A.Fake<T>();
  Any.CallTo(fake).Throws(new Exception(string.Format("An unexpected method was called on the fake object {0}.", typeof(T))));
  return fake;

To create a strict mock:

var foo = AStrict.Mock<IFoo>();

After you have configured your mock in this fashion you can configure any "allowed" calls as usual, for example:

A.CallTo(() => foo.Bar()).Returns("bar");


Example and code based on: